Highfield Farm
1920 Highfield Cres, SE Calgary

Our Forest School program at Highfield Farm operates as a recreation program/day camp.

Located near Ikea/Costco in SE Calgary, Highfield Regenerative Farm is 15-acre inner city urban farm and a project of the Compost Council of Canada and the City of Calgary. Highfield Farm is transitioning an under-utilized brownfield site into an active urban community farm hub. As a Grower Member, we contribute to their community benefit plan and align with their values of land revitalization, regenerative food production and community building.

At the Farm we have a dedicated forest school space and have access to play in approximately 4 acres of community forest.

This location is entirely outdoors. Porta-potties and a hand-washing station are used at this site. Ages 6-11 years old.

Details on our Farm program offerings can be found under Highfield Farm in our Shop.

Farm and Forest School class